Friday, September 2, 2016
9:00 am-10:15 am
10:15 am-11:45 am
2:00 pm-4:15 pm
Sabbath, September 3, 2016
9:00 am-10:15 am
Seminar 1 – Angiel Samson
L’Ancien Comme celui qui sert
Vocation, Consécration, Préparation, Contribution et Mission de l’ancien d’église au vingt-et-unième siècle. L’accent sera porté sur les directives données tant par le Seigneur Jésus que par les écrivains bibliques qui ont contribué à l’établissement et au développement de l’Église primitive.
Seminar 2 – Jerrell Gilkeson & Marlene Alvarez
Caring for God’s Children
Seminar 3 – Reginald Barthelemy
Stewardship 101 – It’s Mine, Not Yours
This seminar is designed to help you explore the basic principles of Biblical stewardship. It presents God as Creator, Owner and Giver of everything and men as creatures, recipients and managers of God’s gifts. It will take you back to the biblical roots of stewardship as a ministry and a call to service.
Seminar 4 – Pierre Eddy Laguerre
Effective ways of dealing with toxic people and some toxic traits in you.
This seminar will deal with the issue of “Evil” and how we deal with it first in others, then in us. C. S. Lewis’s statement: “There is no neutral ground in the Universe, every square inch, every split second is claimed by God and counter claimed by Satan,” acknowledges a fierce battle raging in everyone of us. Maybe this seminar will help you discover how evil you have been and/or why others have wounded you so badly.
Seminar 5 – Valliant Youte
L’ancien Sa fonction de leader, de pasteur, d’enseignant, de prédicateur et d’évangéliste.
Seminar 6 – Gavin Gaynair
Act Like Man (Male Youth)
This presentation aims to encourage young minority men to live godly lives. Statistical data will be used to compare prison and education rates, while describing what it means to be a godly man. Young men will be encouraged to overcome the odds against them and strive for success in all life’s arenas under the banner of Christ.
Seminar 7 – Nicole Brisé
Last Day Events – The Adventist interpretation and it’s implication for Prayer Ministries.
Seminar 8 – Jose Joseph
Santé et Famille
Ces dernières années nous sommes surpris et alarmés par le taux élevé de mortalité dans nos families. Nous ne nous référons pas à ceux qui parviennent a l’âge des plus robustes, même quand la séparation d’avec eux nous cause beaucoup de peine. Mais lorsqu’il s’agit d’enfants, de jeunes adultes, ou de personnes d’âge moyen succombant soudeainement sous le coup de crise cardiaque ou de maladies cérébro-vasculaires, de cancer, etc., alors cela nous couple le souffle et nous laisse perplexe quant à l’avenir de la famille. Or le plan de Dieu pour notre famille qui est son église est que” nous prospérons a tous égards, et soyons en bonne santé comme prospère l’état de notre âme”(3 Jn:2). Dans ce séminaire, nous considérerons les causes de ces maladies courantes et désastreuses, et les dispositions à prendre sinon pour éliminer, du moins pour réduire ce taux alamant de mortalités dans nos familles. C’est un théme qui doit passionner tant les adultes que les jeunes. Venez tous. Nous vous attendons.
Seminar 9 – Pierre Omeler
Transition Pastors – Every leader in the Seventh-day Adventist Church is an interim leader.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a movement with members and leaders who believe in the Bible. Every week, at all levels of the church, all over the world, church leaders and members are involved in leadership transition and succession. Yet, the church does not have an official leadership transition and succession plan. The Bible provides a clear, applicable model for leadership transition. This workshop will offer participants the opportunity to explore, understand and evaluate this Bible-based model of leadership succession developed for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Participants will learn why all leaders are interim leaders, discover the biblical transition model and understand how to be good predecessor and successors. Sooner or later, as a church member or leader, you will experience the pain or joy of losing your pastor, your church position or your leader. Sooner or later, you will experience the difficulties of succession and the pain or joy of preceding or succeeding someone else in the church or at work. This happens every day but most people are not prepared for the predictable and inevitable. Come and be part of this conversation.
Seminar 10 – Hulda Pierre & Myra Omeler
Spouse Church Leadership Position
Does your spouse hold a leadership position in the church? Do you ever have to wait for them while they attend a meeting: This seminar will equip the local church leaders’ spouse with the spiritual and practical tools needed for success in ministry. You will not want to miss it.
Seminar 11 – José Cortés
Evangelism in the 21st Century
Reaching the secular mind.
Seminar 12 – Lola Moore
A New Approach to Young Adult Ministry
Teenage and young adult depression and suicide prevention
Seminar 13 – Daniel Beauzil
Why can’t young females find young males in the church to marry?
We will consider the fact of strong, well-structured families will weaken the foundation of our society in general and our church in particular. We need to encourage our youth to do the right thing, and to follow the Christian ethics. The main objective of this seminar is not only to know why young females in our churches can’t find young Christian males to marry, but to find solutions to this ever growing situation.
Seminar 14 – Dustin Hall
Sexuality and the Great Controversy
Engaging culture with the gospel.
Seminar 15 – Samuel Ulett
New Life God desires to give you
New Love – In this interactive workshop we will explore the love of God and how it impacts our spiritual journey.
New Integrity – Making the connection between being a Christian and people of Holy Integrity.
New Faith – This interactive seminar will give you a practical way to build your faith as a young adult.
New Experience – we will explore how worship will give you a new experience with God.
Seminar 16 – Johnson Cesar
Praying with the Palms (youth and adults)
This seminar will help participants to rediscover the power of the psalms, hymns and the prayer books of the Bible.
Seminar 17 – Philipps E. Joseph
Bridging the Gap (youth and adults)
This seminar will help Haitian parents understand the culture differences. Help Haitian American youths understand their parents’ cultural background in order to improve their relationship. Bridge the gap to facilitate communication using role play to uncover underlying issues.
Seminar 18 – Othniel Francois
Juvenile Delinquency Awareness (youth and adults)
This presentation is to help young adults and parents understand the need to be aware of their environment and keep them out of prison. Data, statistics and videos will be used to show the deadly results of delinquent actions.
Seminar 19 – Lesly Jacques
Are There Haitian Cultural Traits that are incompatible with Salvation?
Seminar 20 – Loojimps Marcius
How to Build your Dream Business and make big profit in 21 days (youth and adults)
This seminar will unveil the seven secrets of creating a successful business in record time and provide practical steps to implement them within 21 days while profits skyrocket. Seasoned business owners whose enterprise is sturggeling to reach its full potential and the novice entrepreneur who aspire to build a profitable business but are unsure of proper launch protocol should plan to attend.